Monday 27 April 2015

First Day of Class

My Rock
There is science to Happiness.  Article after article and study after study imply that there are concrete steps to training our minds to be positive.  And positive means happy.  Most stunning is the implication that being kind to others is Number One in making ourselves happy!  On reflection I can see this is true, but what a simple piece of common sense.

So next time I have the opportunity to pay someone’s ten cents they are short on a grocery bill, I won’t hesitate.  ‘Tis better to be rejected than to miss out on a random act of kindness.

Family and close friends are paramount to Happiness. It is early days, but we have been giving each other a long hug every day.  I couldn’t think what else to ask of my stoic husband, but this he can understand and has thrown himself into, his strength coursing through my veins with every squeeze.  I thought I had long ago thrown myself off the pedestal at his feet, but it seems he is willing to gently pick me up and prop me there, just as though he has only been waiting for my thorns to drop.

My rage has morphed into grateful surges of that full-hearted urge to cry in relief and joy.  That lump in your chest and throat that leaks from your eyes with little provocation.  The rage lump is very similar, but results in leaks of the opposite eruption – fury and lashing out.

My Happiness research tells me to smile often.  I sat up in bed this morning and smiled ridiculously at the trees outside the window.  This will be good for smiley wrinkles…better than grumpy ones.
I must also be grateful.  This I already practise.  My diary is full of three good things about each day.  But it doesn’t hurt to start the day with them too.  There’s nothing worse in a class than the twit who keeps saying he knows this and that already.  

Meditation is so personal, but I understand its use.  Any tool that can still my warring thoughts when they are at their worst is necessary.  I have always said daily affirmations, but I am willing to still my breathing and choose a simple phrase to concentrate on with my breathing.  Again my early morning moment in time is perfect for this. 

I shall sip my tea, delivered to my bedside each morning, smile, meditate and be grateful.  Then I will be on the lookout for the victim of my act of kindness.   

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